Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hotel Internet Marketing Consultants – What are the KPIs?

Hotel Internet Marketing Consultants – What are the KPIs?
Find out how hotel internet marketing consultants can reach their true marketing potential through goal setting.
There is a well known mantra “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” but a lot of hotel internet marketing consultants don’t know why, what, when or how to measure their campaigns. It’s not always easy to set key performance indicators (KPIs) for your online hotel marketing team but it is important for any hotel big or small to set benchmarks for their online activities, so that they can monitor and improve the effectiveness of promotions.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
If you are working with an SEO consultant, they can help you set realistic KPIs for your SEO campaigns in realistic timeframes. The type of goals to set are monitoring traffic levels, keyword rankings, increasing traffic referrals and so on. However, Matt Cutts, the Head of Web Spam at Google says that conversion is ultimately the metric that matters and far more important than ranking for trophy keywords.
Membership and rewards programs
If your hotel has a VIP program (if not, you may want to investigate the numerous benefits of establishing one), you can set a benchmark for your hotel internet marketing consultants to promote membership growth by a certain number in a set period of time. Other goals may be to increase the number of benefits offered to members and the number of benefits redeemed by members – encouraging them to use the scheme more often.
Online reviews
Consumers are increasingly talking about your hotel in multiple online channels such as social media, review sites and blogs and it’s not always easy to monitor. The type of goals you want to set are to encourage more reviews and online chat about your hotel, increase the number of positive versus negative reviews, boost the number of reviews responded to and so on. There are both free and premium online monitoring tools you can use to help you.

Social media platforms
Social networking is another area where you can set KPIs for your online marketing team. Setting goals for social media marketing is not simple – each platform is unique and requires different benchmarks. There are intangible aims of social media such as improving brand awareness and increasing conversion rates, which is not always easy to gauge, but you can measure the number of subscribers, traffic referrals, comments and so forth.
Conversion rate
Improving the conversion rate is the most important and end goal of hotel internet marketing consultants; start by setting a quarterly or annual goal and reviewing this each year. A conversion rate may not only be the number of booking enquiries and direct bookings taken by the hotel. The conversion rate may also include increasing the number of people reading e-newsletters, downloading brochures, watching videos and so on.
These are just a few suggestions for setting KPIs for your online marketing campaigns. For each strategy you use in your particular hotel, you will need to drill down and set long term and short term specific goals at the beginning of the campaign. If your hotel internet marketing consultants need advice with goal setting, contact us and find out how Dr.Hossam Darwish  can help your establishment realize its true marketing potential.

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